Myst of the Wildwood Coven is principally a Ravenwood Traditional group with influences from
Elders of other great traditions.
We honor and celebrate the Earth, Deities, Elders and Covens. We carry on the religion
based on the teachings of our Elders, but evolve as we become more enlightened.
We are a working Coven that follows the Olde Traditional ways of the craft. Our beliefs
are rooted in a rich lineage from Ohio, England, and Louisiana thru Lady Sintana - High
Priestess and Lord Merlin - High Priest of Ravenwood Tradition and Lady Gwendolyn of a
solitary line and honored member of Ravenwood.
We teach the male and female mysteries, the crafts of the craft in all of its many facets.
We offer pre-initiation training for each of the three degrees.
Additional classes in specialty areas are offered - between our Tradition's Covens we have much
talent to draw from.
We have property working sessions to keep our sacred space and covenstead in shape.
We have dinner and a movie sessions, a yearly kick back camping trip, picnics and many
other activities.
We are an adult group.