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Merry Meet and Welcome to the House of Ravenwood
Home of Ravenwood Church and the Seat of the Ravenwood Tradition

For more than forty-five years, The House of Ravenwood has fulfilled its purpose of offering education to those seeking information about Wicca and the Traditional Craft. Founded by Lady Sintana, our Witch Queen and Elder High Priestess in the 1970s, Ravenwood was instrumental in winning legal recognition for Wicca as a valid religion in the United States. With the love and support of many, including our late Elder High Priest, Lord Merlin, Ravenwood survived many challenges and was one of the first churches of Wicca to receive 501(c) 3 status as a not-for-profit church.

The Ravenwood Tradition is upheld and continued by the work of five Covens across the country. Each group is led by a High Priestess and/or High Priest with many years of training and a common, principled purpose – To provide a safe, stable and disciplined environment for the training of the next generation of Craft leaders. We each offer the tradition’s core teachings tempered by the High Priestess’s or High Priest’s individual experiences and abilities.

Our main focus is on training and spiritual development guided by hands-on teachers. We believe that each seeker is unique and provide the core teachings to all, which allow for personal growth based upon the individual. Our teachers have multiple years of experience and training to lead and guide others on the path to enlightenment.

There are thousands of seekers and initiates across the globe that have been touched by the teachings of Lady Sintana and her work over her lifetime of service to the Craft. Her impact to the history and advancement of Traditional Craft, especially in the Atlanta area has been significant and long-standing.

We continue to uphold the practice of transmitting the ancient wisdom of our tradition through rigorous teacher-student interaction based upon strict protocol and discipline, guided by a High Priest and/or a High Priestess.

For more information on the Ravenwood Tradition, its groups, its classes, or just say ‘HI’, please contact us using the links.


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